The Scented Kitchen: Easy Apple Cake Recipe with a Nostalgic Twist

When I was a kid, newspapers were a big part of daily life, at least in big cities. Growing up in a small town, though, I experienced something different—our newspaper came out weekly, and it wasn’t so much about breaking news as it was about community stories and everyday life.

Believe it or not, I started reading the newspaper when I was about 10 years old. I wasn’t interested in world events; I got plenty of that from the nightly news that played religiously in our house. Instead, I gravitated toward the lighter sections. I especially loved reading about small-town happenings—who hosted dinner at grandma’s, what was served, who came, and even whether someone’s dog joined in for a game of fetch afterward. It might have just been filler content for the editors, but to me, it was fascinating insight into how my neighbors lived.

As I got older, my newspaper interests evolved. I discovered advice columns like "Ask Ann Landers", written by a woman with a pen name who doled out wisdom on relationships, family conflicts, and moral dilemmas. While I didn’t have much firsthand experience with these topics at the time, I was intrigued by the candid advice. Then came “Dear Abby,” another advice column penned by Abigail Van Buren. I later learned that Ann Landers and Abigail Van Buren were twin sisters—rivals, no less! It’s funny to think that my early ideas about relationships came from advice columns in a small-town paper.

But the column that truly captured my heart was “Hints from Heloise.” Heloise Bowles started her syndicated column in 1959, sharing practical tips on natural cleaning solutions, household fixes, and clever tricks for everyday living. For a kid who didn’t need relationship advice, her ideas about unclogging drains and removing stains were surprisingly fascinating. I was hooked.

Another gem I loved? The weekly recipe feature. My mom was an avid recipe collector, and her box was filled with clippings from newspapers. No doubt, her enthusiasm rubbed off on me. Sitting here today, enjoying the cozy scents of Apple Orchard and Crème Brulée No-Mess Fragrance Tarts, I’m reminded of one recipe in particular—Babe’s Apple Cake.

This rustic, old-fashioned cake was one of Mom’s favorites, clipped from our local paper. It’s simple yet irresistible, with flavors that only improve by the second day. If you love nostalgic desserts, give this one a try—you won’t be disappointed.

In many ways, blogs have taken over the role that small-town newspapers once played, offering a glimpse into people’s kitchens, lives, and passions. Here at The Scented Kitchen, we hope to bring you that same warmth and nostalgia. Try Babe’s Apple Cake, and let it transport you back to a simpler time.

Lori Herr for Belle Aroma® Brand


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